After a couple of successful PCDIY live streams we are moving forward with plans to have weekly PCDIY live streams. Â The goal first and foremost to allow for a consistent date and time where you can find answers and guidance to your questions, upgrade considerations and general PCDIY related topics. Beyond that we will covering a wide range of topics including general tech news, software, hardware, games and more. We will also be putting together a weekly live streaming focusing solely on gaming. So how can you help or participate?
First up we are looking to pick the date and then the time. As such there are two polls you can vote on to help select the those. For those that cannot watch the stream regardless all streams will be archived and posted for viewing on the PCDIY YouTube channel.
What day should the PCDIY live stream be?
What time should the PCDIY live stream be?
In addition to the general live stream we will be looking to begin weekly game streams which will most likely occur on Saturdays. We mentioned on the live stream I am looking for possible PCDIY Â gamers to join me on some of these game streams.
If you are interested in possibly joining me on a game stream please reach out to me. You can reach me if your interested via the options below. ( email is the recommended option )
Please help to provide the details noted below
Type of games you play consistently if any:
Type of games you are open to playing:
System specifications
Graphics Card:
Power Supply:
Operating System:
Dedicated telegram channel:ÂÂ