Home MyZen Guides What’s in a GIF? Using the ZenFone 2’s GIF Animation feature

What’s in a GIF? Using the ZenFone 2’s GIF Animation feature

What’s in a GIF? Using the ZenFone 2’s GIF Animation feature

I feel like I’m on Reddit everyday scouring the interwebs for the latest corgi pictures on the r/aww and r/gifs subreddits. I’m such a sucker for cute little furballs and awesome GIFs! Back in the day, like two years ago, I wanted to learn how to make good GIFs too so I could entertain the masses, but alas, I neither had enough motivation, nor time, to teach myself how to use Photoshop to create them. Thankfully, there IS a much easier way to make GIFs!

The ASUS ZenFone2’s camera has a neat little feature: GIF Animation. It takes up to 50 burst shots in a span of a couple seconds and then tightens everything up into a GIF for you. You can even speed it up or slow it down depending on what you’re looking for. Here’s how to use GIF Animation:

  • Go into Camera mode
  • Tap onto the Menu of Modes at the left hand corner
  • Select GIF Animation
  • Then long press the shutter button for as long as you desire
  • The camera will play back the GIF for you at medium speed
  • Slide the bar at the bottom corner to speed up or slow down the GIF
  • If you need to, you can rotate the GIF around by pressing on the rotator icon on the bottom right corner
  • You may also choose to reverse the GIF by tapping on the reverse icon in the middle
  • Once you’re ready you can select the check mark up at the top right (or choose to cancel)
  • BOOM. Now you’re ready to upload that GIF of your adorable pet to Reddit!

Show off your corgi, or less interesting GIFs (just kidding!) in the comments below!