Home MyZen Apps Instagram’s one-second GIFs are crazy fun

Instagram’s one-second GIFs are crazy fun

Instagram’s one-second GIFs are crazy fun

A couple of weeks ago, Instagram released Boomerang, a standalone app in the Google Play Store. As popular as GIFs have become, it’s sometimes difficult to share a long GIF due to it’s file size. So by cutting them down to one second moments, Boomerang makes what you want to share, more shareable!

Boomerang Instagram

Once you open the app, you have just two options:

  • Take a picture by tapping on the shutter button
  • Change the camera to front-facing or rear-facing with the circular arrows

When you take the picture, just tap on the shutter button and a series of flashes occur. You don’t need to press and hold. Then, when it’s done, the app will save the image. From there, you can:

  • Tap Done to save the image
  • Share to Instagram, Facebook, or any other social media you wish!

Check out these fun ones we did at the office! (BTW, anyone ready for Fallout?)

Download Boomerang for your ZenFone 2!


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    • Hi Michele,Yes, it is a good article. I found a lot of value in it also.My blog coming out later today is about authenticity also from a little different slant. I have a feeling you will relate to it.Control is driven by fear of not being enough, or of being seen by others as not enough. The further I walk on this journey the more I understand how our lives are affected in every area by feelings of inadequacy. Therefore, CONTROL.I love your comments, Michele. They’re always so real and straight from you heart. Thank you. Hugs, Brenda