HomeMyZenFeaturesWe Wanted to Tell a Story

We Wanted to Tell a Story

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a collection of pictures is worth a story. A few weeks ago, we partnered with some amazing people on Instagram to tell a story through the ZenFone Zoom lens. We wanted to show you pictures that were so awe-striking, so amazing, and so #zencredible they displayed a world much bigger than ourselves. Here were some of our top pictures from Instagrammers who used our ZenFone Zoom!

Coffee shop

Sometimes, simpler is better.
Have you ever wandered into a café, restaurant, or some building that didn’t have much in it but yet you thought it looked absolutely astounding? A shot like this could take lots of time, energy, and focus to compose, but @emwng nails this minimalistic picture with the Zoom, using the contrast of white and beige to compose this piece with a smartphone that easily fits in your pocket.



Phone golden gate (1)

Remember how we talked about “displaying a world much bigger than ourselves”? This picture by @shortstache holds no exception by utilizing the 3x Optical Zoom because, with a shot like this, one would have to be in the chilly San Francisco water. Also, the immense detail of the waves shows that nothing gets lost in the process.




Girls Colorful Phone in shot

We forget on occasion to take a step back to relax and take a break from life. Whether you do this by sitting on a car and relaxing with friends, or taking in a movie on a lazy Sunday afternoon, the moment is priceless and peaceful. Instagram user @tess_and_sarah uploaded this picture, displaying beautiful and bold colors with a playful composition.


Phone open road


If you’re on an adventure, you never know where you are going to end up even if the path seems clear, begging the question, “where will those next steps lead me?”. For this photographer, @shortstache, the road seems endless and mysterious, which makes for a very surreal piece that captures the details of the tree branches and foliage.


Fashion Accessories Phone in Shot


Let’s say that you are not the most photogenic person in the world, but you would still like people to know who you are: what would you do? Sometimes describing yourself with a few objects can really put into perspective what you’re all about, and that is exactly what @weronikazalazinska did when she took her coffee break. With sharp detail and contrasting, this picture gives you a look into the photographer’s life without even seeing her face!

When you tell a story, certain intimate details sometimes get lost somewhere along the way. Solely by using the ZenFone Zoom, these Instagram users are able to easily capture those moments.Having many functions at your fingertips like adjusting the exposure, changing the ISO, and utilizing the zoom lens creates limitless possibilities for an phenomenal masterpiece. So now, it’s your turn! Take some photos with the ZenFone Zoom and upload them to Instagram with the hashtag #zencredible and show the world your masterpieces!


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